Settling In

We have had a busy couple of days exploring, which is definitely a good thing.  Our goal with these trips has always been to “live like locals” and for me, much of that means finding some children’s activities for Mirabelle and kids for her to play with.   I’ve done my research and found various activities that we will be trying. So far, that has included a trip to the library – easy walk from our house, yay! -, storytime at an adorable children’s bookstore called Bee Hive (next door to a boutique called Cupcake Clothing that I loved), and a youth Flamenco performance presented by the Institute for Spanish Arts at the Santa Fe Children’s Museum.

The Flamenco dancing was the highlight.  This was a teenaged group and they were amazing.  Mirabelle wants to take lessons now, which we should be able to find in Tampa if she’s actually interested when we get home.

What has struck me most though, is that besides the kids oriented activities, which I think are important, Mirabelle gets to have these great experiences that are not necessarily “kids activities.”  Today, for the first time since we arrived, we walked from our house to see how far it was to the Plaza (8 minutes) and more importantly the nearest coffee shop.

We found a nice coffee and sandwich shop and sat there drinking teas for me and Devon and a hot apple cider for Mirabelle.  As we watched the customers filter in and the street scene out of the window I wondered how many 3 year olds hang out at coffee shops on a Wednesday morning. I didn’t until college.  While I know these experiences may be a little different from many children’s, I feel pretty lucky that she gets them.  At the same time I try my best to give her some of the more traditional experiences as well.

In addition to the kids activities we’ve done a lot of walking around, took a long drive to check out the ski slopes (I know, I know Devon is ready to get out there despite my protests), saw the Santa Fe Model Railroad Club Holiday Train exhibit at the NM History Museum and checked out a bit of the museum itself. And, of course, we’ve eaten a lot.

Devon and I both love to eat out and I really think it’s part of the experience to try the local restaurants.  So while I’ve cooked a decent amount, even making Posole for a traditional Christmas Eve dinner, we typically do one meal a day out and so far they’ve all been great.  We’ve followed my friend Allison’s suggestions of the Tune Up Cafe and Bumblebee’s Baja Grill, which were delicious and can’t wait to try her other suggestions.

There’s so much more we want to do and this is where I also find myself beginning to stress. No matter how long we stay somewhere, I always start to worry we won’t get to do everything we’d like.  A list will come soon for sure, along with more pictures and detail on our house.

Until then, goodnight.

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3 Responses to Settling In

  1. Lena says:

    I am so glad you are blogging again! It is so exciting to read your posts and wish my family could do what you are doing. Good for you guys! I am glad to heat Devon is on the mend, please send him our best. Please keep posting and sharing more of your adventures. I Think Mirabelle is one lucky girl to get to experience all of these things — child things or not, they are all great and will expose her to the world. I always appreciated that abut my parents, taking me traveling from a very early age.

  2. Allison says:

    I LOVE that you are blogging about this experience. Also happy that you enjoyed the restaurant recs so far. I have been thinking about you guys so much, and hoping that you are liking it out there. It’s such a different place, and it took me a while to “get it”, but it sounds like you are really finding all the good spots right away. I meant to suggest something else: take a gorgeous, yet still fairly easy, hike on one of the Dale Ball Trails (a huge trail system that winds through the foothills of town). Could be a good outdoor activity while your hubby is up at the ski area, and the views are incomparable. They are not terribly challenging; I think Mirabelle would be fine. Have fun!!!

  3. Pingback: Old town, new adventures | Vocke Ventures – A Living Experiment

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