Ski Day

The big news this week is that Mirabelle went skiing for the first time.  Devon has wanted to get her out there basically since she could walk, but last year when we were in NC she was still too young.  We went to Ski Santa Fe, which is just about 45 minutes from our house. I think it’s only around 15 miles, but driving up a mountain takes a long time.  Mirabelle was pretty quiet on the way up, although she said she was excited to ski. But, once we got there she was ready to go.  Devon and I were both impressed with how patient she was going through the loooong process of getting lift tickets, renting equipment, etc.

We’ve actually been impressed with how patient and easy she has been throughout this whole trip. We’ve thrown a lot at her, things that make me impatient and frustrated, and honestly, haven’t even thought about whether or not she could handle it. We just assume she can, and we’ve been right.

Devon took her skiing first and although I couldn’t see them, he said she did great.  She wasn’t scared and got right out there.  After lunch we put her in a ski school for a few hours.  There she was in a new city, doing a new activity, without having been away from us for three weeks and she walks into ski school without a look back at us.  I’m not sure if I should be happy or sad.  The school was pretty cool. It was basically a daycare program but they have instructors that take them out onto a small slope over and over, taking them in every hour or so for snack and break.  We were able to watch her for some of it and she did great, but I think she may have gotten a little bored. She wanted Devon to take her back out, which he did, and has asked that next time she just go with Devon.

It is amazing how quickly young kids pick up new activities, with little or no fear. Mirabelle did way better than I did when I tried skiing, and we’ll definitely bring her back a couple more times before we leave.  And no, I didn’t try it this time. It looks fun, but just not for me, although I hate to have to explain to Mirabelle why I didn’t ski. One, I don’t want to put my fears into her head, and two I want her to see me as a strong mother who tries new things. So, I just try to remind her of the things I do do.  Devon got a month-long pass for himself and is planning to ski and snowboard a few times a week for the time we have left. I love that he has an unlimited opportunity to do something that he loves, but typically only gets to do once a year. Oh, and he got the doctor’s sign off and is healing well. Yay!

Another highlight of the trip so far was Bandelier National Monument. We went late one afternoon almost on a whim, and it was beautiful.  It is a huge national park that includes an ancient pueblo and cliff dwellings.  We were able to climb into some of the caves that were used as housing, and even saw petroglyphs carved into the rocks.  There is much more to see so this is someplace we may try to return. On the way home we drove through Los Alamos. I remember this from my trip with Mark, and it still gives me an eerie feeling.  It’s strange to think of an entire community built around the Atomic bomb.  My memory of the city is that it had a very bland, 1950s feel to it – almost to belie the intent of the community. It was dark this time so we had a hard time seeing, but it seemed almost like a modern-day planned community. I’m not sure what that says about today’s suburbs.  It was also a beautiful drive, and we saw coyotes, Elk and deer on the side of the road, which I loved.

We’ve also been to the Children’s Museum, which was fun but does make me appreciate Tampa’s children’s museum. Mirabelle’s favorite part was that they have a little station where you can paint your face. She wants to go back just for that.  And, we went to the New Mexico History Museum and Palace of the Governors.  I wasn’t all that excited to go here, but really loved it. I needed (and still need) a history lesson of this area and this helped.

Today, we’re planning to go to the Folk Art Museum, which I am really excited about.  So, we’ve been busy and there is still so much to see.  As much as I love the sites we’ve seen, some of my favorite times are the day-to-day. Like, walking to the park or the library, finding the good bookstores and coffee shops, or going out to dinner. Those are the things I want to repeat and will miss when we are gone.  But, we have two more weeks and I also think we will also be ready to get home.  Which will bring us to the next question – why don’t we do more of these things at home?

Until next time….

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